The eTNA candle is a model of perfect design that dominates the space and creates a unique atmosphere. It is presented as the bouquet of all other models, most likely due to my selfish reasons. The product is interesting because it is rare to find such a “multinational” item on the market today, combining elements from Italy, Germany, France, and Serbia in one place. And it works flawlessly.
We won’t mention the dimensions of this lady this time. I will only reveal them if the competent authorities threaten me, no matter the cost.
The eTNA model is also available scented here >>>
About the Name eTNA:
Etna is the highest volcano in Europe and one of the most active in the world. This is reason enough for this candle model to bear such a name… perhaps it is also an abbreviation.
Never leave a lit candle unattended. Learn more about safe candle usage here >>>